Project Architecture

The project relies on various systems to ensure that the daily publications from the publisher’s website arrive here in an open way and make interaction with this database accessible. Below are items responsible for each part of the project.

Data Processing

This stage is essential because it’s where the magic happens to transform closed data into open data and connect other parts of our data flow. In the repository you’ll find various technologies such as Apache Tika for extracting text from documents in various formats, elasticsearch for interacting with the text indexer of the documents, postgresql for interacting with the data extracted from the spiders, and a lot of pure Python.

Data Collection

To understand Querido Diário project, it’s crucial to know how the structure of collecting official gazettes files works. All scripts are developed using the Scrapy framework, a very popular tool for web scraping. If you’ve never used it before, the tutorial is a great way to learn how to create your first data collection scripts. We have a dedicated repository for organizing the collection of files. In it, you’ll find Python files developed by the community for each municipality, and we call these files spiders (Spider is the term used for a data scraping script in Scrapy).


The goal of the Querido Diário Toolbox is to provide the community with a set of tools that enable the analysis and manipulation of data extracted from official gazettes. With the toolbox, we expand the possibilities for new projects that use the database and share the knowledge accumulated in cleaning and processing the data that the project has already faced. The toolbox is also used internally by the OKBR team for processing the gazettes offered in the API; it allows for data extraction, metadata handling, removal of irrelevant characters, and extraction of CNPJ (Brazilian identification numbers). The toolbox is not, and will never be, a completed project: with the support of the community, we will continually add new tools and make them available to anyone interested in the project!

Public API

The public API is one of the project’s main layers because it allows the dissemination of the database in an accessible and automatable by machines, as well as providing direct access to the data for developers and researchers. Additionally, the platform consumes data from the API to make it available to the general public.

The API was built in Python with FastAPI and is integrated with Swagger for automatic documentation generation. You can contribute with ideas in API’s repository.


This search platform is a visual interface for interacting with the public API and also a tool for disseminating knowledge and encouraging the use of official gazettes.

Its development is primarily done in Angular with TypeScript, with mobile responsiveness as a top priority. If you’re interested in contributing, the repository is also open.