Writing a new spider

Before starting the development of a scraper for a new city, please carefully read the following guidelines necessary to maintain the project more consistent and ensure that your contribution is more easily accepted.

Reading the code of existing scrapers will also help you better understand how the project is organized and how to start development.

Basic rules for your spider:

  • As a rule, all spiders should inherit from BaseGazetteSpider.

  • The spider class name should follow the following pattern <StateAbbreviation><CityName>Spider (for example, SpSaoPauloSpider or MtFelizNatalSpider).

  • The spider’s name attribute should follow the pattern state_abbreviation>_<city_name> (for example, sp_sao_paulo or mt_feliz_natal).

  • Add the TERRITORY_ID attribute with the code found in the territories.csv file.

  • Add the start_date attribute with the date of the first available Official Gazette.

  • Use .get() and .getall() instead of .extract_first() and .extract().

Example of a spider:

from datetime import date
from gazette.spiders.base import BaseGazetteSpider

class SpJundiaiSpider(BaseGazetteSpider):
    TERRITORY_ID = "3525904"
    name = "sp_jundiai"
    allowed_domains = ["jundiai.sp.gov.br"]
    start_urls = ["https://imprensaoficial.jundiai.sp.gov.br/"]
    start_date = date(2000, 1, 1)

    def parse(self, response):
        # Here we put all our extraction logic

Field definitions

Here are the field definitions you want to extract from each of the Official Gazettes:

  • date (datetime.date): Publication date of the Official Gazette.

  • edition_number (string): Edition number of the Official Gazette.

  • is_extra_edition (boolean): Some gazettes are extra editions. You can usually identify them by terms like Extra, Extraordinário, Suplemento, etc. If it’s not possible to identify, return False as the default value.

  • territory_id (string): The value of the TERRITORY_ID attribute of the spider (automatically filled).

  • power (string): Whether the Official Gazette pertains to the Executive, Legislative, or both branches (executive, legislative, executive_legislative). You may need to manually inspect the content of some Official Gazettes to determine this information.

  • scraped_at (datetime.datetime): Set to datetime.datetime.utcnow() (automatically filled).

  • file_urls (URL list): List of URLs to download the Official Gazettes. Typically, there’s only one value in this list for each gazette.

Filter by date

We want all spiders to be able to collect ALL available Official Gazettes. However, we also want to be able to restrict the amount of data by a time period. This should be achieved through the start_date and end_date attributes that we can pass when running the spiders.

The default value for start_date should be the date of the first available Official Gazette on the municipality’s page (hard coded). You should manually research and find this date, then add it as an argument to your spider.

In the following example, we have a spider that considers September 15, 2001, as the initial date, which is the first date where an Official Gazette is available for collection:

from datetime import date
from gazette.spiders.base import BaseGazetteSpider

class MyCitySpider(BaseGazetteSpider):
    # (...)
    name = "my_city_spider"
    start_date = date(2001, 9, 15)

    def parse(self, response):

If you want to collect data starting from another date, you can use the following command when running your spider (in the example, we will collect data starting from April 28, 2022)

scrapy crawl my_city_spider -a start_date=2021-04-28

The default value of end_date is today’s date (the date when you are running your spider), so there’s no need to define it in your spider class. This is set in the BaseGazetteSpider.

During development, it’s a good practice to minimize the number of requests as much as possible. Some pages allow you to filter results by specifying a specific period, while others may require you to add extra logic to avoid visiting unnecessary pages and returning Official Gazettes outside the desired date range. This helps optimize your web scraping process and reduces unnecessary network traffic.

Some tips

  • During development, to prevent making repeated calls to city pages, you can use the Scrapy configuration setting HTTPCACHE_ENABLED. This also speeds up executions as all data is stored locally.

  • The Scrapy shell is very helpful for testing CSS and XPath selectors.

Submitting a new PR

Before submitting a new PR for your spider, ensure that it is working correctly.


Here are some suggested checks:

  • Check if the downloaded files are valid;

  • Verify if you are collecting all available Official Gazettes;

  • If specifying the start_date and/or end_date arguments, ensure that you are not collecting more Official Gazettes than expected;

  • Check if, when running the spider more than once, the results remain the same;

  • Ensure there are no execution errors (log/ERROR in spider statistics);